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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

more snow fun!

As I was typing the last post about playing in the snow, Riley and Michael were playing in the backyard. When I emerged from the basement office I found that Michael had dug pathways through the backyard and added little vignettes where Riley could play. Unfortunately 3 straight days of snow has almost covered the paths in, but they were fun while they lasted. Logan woke from his nap and we joined the two outside for family fun time in the snow :)

Toddler time at Home Depot!

I joined a mommy meetup group in the attempt to jumpstart my social life again :) They did a meetup/craft time for the 2+ kids at home depot on Sunday before Valentine's day. I think the kids were supposed to make a little notice shelf for their mommy in the shape of a heart with a hook on it, but Riley made his for his new room so that he has a place to put his bunny and passifier (which might not move to the new house with us) after he wakes up from a nap.

Here are some shots from our day :) His highlights were the balloon at the end .... and the candies he got for peeing in the potty (not pictures of that adventure)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

biodome with grandpa!

My dad came for a visit over Christmas and we took the boys to the Biodome to see the Penguins! They both had a great time! Riley got to play in Caillou's adventure land and even put on a penguin costume. Logan tried chocolate pudding for the first time! What an adventure :)

Fun with Drum

Fun in the snow!

 The first major snowfall brought lots of excitement for Riley as he shoveled the front lawn :) Note the running shoes and jeans on Michael.

 As the snow got deeper the fun and games increased! (they are outside right now while I'm typing actually) and daddy finally got wise and brought out his snowpants and snow boots :)
We had about 10-15cm of snow fall last night which would have crippled Vancouver.....but the roads were cleared and the driveways were mostly cleared by the time we got up for swimming class this morning! The snow is cold, and you still have to be careful when you are driving, but I would rather be here in the snow with the excellent clearing system that they have than in Vancouver where they simply put out "road closed" signs to keep people from going on the icy hills. Maybe they should pay the sign guys to salt the roads instead!

Is that a Robot?

NO, its just Riley in his robot costume constructed out of a panetone box, pizza boxes, and some egg cartons :) Riley's daddy has a great imagination!!

Mealtime Madness

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 While Riley would rather hide behind his food and think up different reasons why he isn't going to eat the food on his plate!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

In Uniform!

Riley attended a wonderful preschool in Vancouver called CEFA! Here are some shots of him in his little uniform....SOOOOO cute!

Pancakes for Mommy

Riley LOVES to help in the kitchen. Here we get to see Riley and daddy making Sunday morning pancakes for Mommy :) YUM!

The birthday boy

Michael at the end of his brithday party Jan 2010. It had been a very busy holiday season so haircuts and shaving had fallen by the wayside....hence the 70's themed birthday party! Hopefully everyone had as much fun as us!