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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Toddler time at Home Depot!

I joined a mommy meetup group in the attempt to jumpstart my social life again :) They did a meetup/craft time for the 2+ kids at home depot on Sunday before Valentine's day. I think the kids were supposed to make a little notice shelf for their mommy in the shape of a heart with a hook on it, but Riley made his for his new room so that he has a place to put his bunny and passifier (which might not move to the new house with us) after he wakes up from a nap.

Here are some shots from our day :) His highlights were the balloon at the end .... and the candies he got for peeing in the potty (not pictures of that adventure)

1 comment:

  1. Sam's is still on our wall :p
    Wow my (brown hoodie girl) hair looks greasy in that pic. eww!
